Re: GARNOME to be released soon

Uhm, you are starting to confuse me...

> > OK. :)  Why, reboot?
> Yes - indeed. I did the build in a icewm session after
> stopping xdm and killing the usual leftover bonobo
> process. Not a single gnome component was running.
> All the pkg-config databases of 26 had been removed,
> any 26 related environment setting too, I removed all
> the dotfiles of my test account, and the gnome26
> folder was renamed to .gnome26. 
> > FWIW, there is no start-here:// any more in Nautilus
> > 2.10, so no
> > surprise this isn't available.
> > 
> Okay, nevertheless there is no preferences dialog at
> all.

What preferences dialog are you referring to? The GNOME Control Center?

FWIW; The Control Center itself is not available using GNOME Menu.
However, anything that is part of the Control Center is in the Desktop
Menu. And if you want, run 'gnome-control-center' manually.

> I manually invoked gnome-theme-manager from the
> command line. Numberless error messages appeared at
> the xterm.  gnome-theme-manager didn't find a single
> icon, no matter they all are installed.

Yeah, 'gnome-theme-manager' spits a lot of warnings. No critical ones,
otherwise you wouldn't have seen the Theme Manager at all.

I don't get, which "icon"s you are referring to. The Theme Manager uses
just a few icons in the UI. And a lot of Theme Preview Thumbnails...

What are the Themes you are currently using?

> > Are you sure, all packages in desktop/ built fine?
> yes they did. I did not invoked make paranopid-install
> with the -i option!
> I solved the evolution problem by manually removing
> the gnome-pilot dependency in the Makefile, and I
> disabled the build of totem, because I have my own
> libxine installation, the totem build simply can't
> find, whereas pkg_config finds them. 

Uhm? Totem does not use xine. So why should it search for it?

> > Did you run the update-foo magic once? Something
> no, I didn't. I'll try  that out in acouple of days.
> > It does. Though some packages need to either be
> > built manually from
> > bootstrap/, or installed in it's *-devel counterpart
> > from your distro
> > (like hal, xft, fontconfig).
> I am not sure. gnome-themes was definitely not build.
> I navigated into that folder invoking make manually
> and it works out-of-the box.

Hrm, didn't you just say above, that everything was built just fine?

> Furthermore I believe that the boostrap build must be
> automatised. 

It is already. As much, as we can.

Those bootstrap/ garballs that are not built automatically are not
needed on all distros and usually can be satisfied by installing the
devel packages of the already installed applications, provided by your


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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