FC3 Smeg Menu Edit and Python 2.3

In case this helps..

I have spent some time trying to get smeg to work with above. The big kill is Python 2.4 is needed

However I got it to go as follows...

Install smeg -0.74
Make sure you have gnomepython built from bindings dir
Install pyxdg-0.14

all the python installs in my case ( and probaly tours are

python setup.py install --prefix=~/garnome

The Menu.py in pyxdg will fail as it need the python 2.4 reversed()

locate all the reversed(stringthing) elements in this file and substitute

make sure to reinstall pyxdg ( good ides to delete the targets first )

Hey presto it works
I am no Python expert ( and not sure I want to be ) so please dont send requests for help post them properly

Good luck


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