beagle-0.0.10: making the dog run

I have the latest version of beagle

	version 0.0.10 released 30may2005


I used:
* mono-1.1.7
* gtk-sharp-1.0.6

There are some problems with mono-1.1.x on PPC's that are being "worked"
by the mono team. This one was a show stopper:

Another issue is "inotify". The latest version of beagle requires the
latest version of inotify, version 0.23, which is available only for
linux-2.6.12-rc[1234].  I applied the rc4 patch to the rc5 kernel source
and rolled on.


beagle can be run without the inotify kernel patch, but...

        [from the beagle web page]
        "Beagle does not require inotify, but it is strongly recommended
        as it will greatly improve your Beagle experience. Without it,
        Beagle will not automatically detect all changes to your home
        directory and index the data in a timely fashion."

I have also found that without an inotify-enabled kernel indexing is
slower and is more CPU intensive. Go figure...


joseph_sacco [at] comcast [dot] net

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