garmone- : Mono

* gmime-2.1.9
This version of gmime does *not* contain the mono bindings that create
gmime-sharp, which is necessary to build beagle.

Update to version 2.1.12 and add the appropriate LIBDEPS

--- Makefile    2005-02-18 13:43:56.784809021 -0500
+++ Makefile-   2005-02-18 13:37:39.166247723 -0500
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 GARNAME = gmime
-GARVERSION = 2.1.12
 CATEGORIES = geektoys
-LIBDEPS = platform/glib mono/mono gtk-sharp
+LIBDEPS = platform/glib
 define BLURB

* monodevelop-0.5.1
monodevelop does not build because of a name space problem. 

mcs complains repeatedly that it cannot find a type named SharpAssembly

For example,
        ././Internal/Parser/SharpAssemblyLayer/SharpAssemblyMethod.cs(24) error CS0246: Cannot find type 'SharpAssembly'
Yet when this file is examined, the encompassing name space is seen to
be declared, so something is amiss.
        using MonoDevelop.SharpAssembly.Assembly;
        namespace MonoDevelop.Internal.Parser {
                public class SharpAssemblyMethod : AbstractMethod
                        public SharpAssemblyMethod(SharpAssembly asm,
        Method[] methodTable, SharpAssemblyClass declaringtype, uint

The first thought that comes to mind is the mcs command line must be
missing a link to the DLL that contains the namespace. However, that
does not seem to be the case:


        Making all in Base
        make[4]: Entering directory
        perl  -x./../../../build/data/resources/icons -w
        ././Services/ > ./Services/StockIcons.cs
        mcs /debug -codepage:utf8 /out:MonoDevelop.Base.dll
        /target:library /r:System.Drawing /r:ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll

I goggled the WEB and found a couple of references to this problem. The
suggested workaround is to replace the unqualified type name with a
fully qualified type name, which works, but... duh...

C# is a language that incorporates the worst aspects of VB, C, C++, and
Java. Given its corporates sponsors, this comes as no surprise.



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