gnome-menus-2.10.1: yet another inclusion / exclusion puzzle.

I have figured out how to exclude menu elements from the Applications
menu. Some things have changed since gnome-menus-2.10.0.

* mkdir ~/.config [default location for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME]
* mkdir ~/.config/menus
* mkdir ~/.config/menus/applications-merged

* create the local applications menu file


which contains:

        <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"

The MergeFile element says that the contents of the main applications
menu are to be merged with the contents of the local applications menu.

* create an exclusions file

Below is a sample that excludes three menu elements from the Assessories
submenu.  These elements are part of the GNOME-2.6 installation rooted
under /usr. The .desktop files in GNOME-2.6 & GNOME-2.10.1 conveniently
have somewhat different names, which simplifies the construction of an
exclusions file. [Otherwise, you have to deal with AppDir tags.]

<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"


The gnome-menus-2.10.0 set up described above does *not* work with
gnome-menus-2.10.1. When the Applications menu is selected it flashes
into view briefly and then vanishes, which is really, really annoying.

The fix:
* Merge the contents of into the local 

For example:

        <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"

* delete ~/.config/menus/applications-merged/

All is well... [:-)]

* So what happened???
* Is there another way to do this is [there must be]?
* A folder named ".hidden" has appeared under the Applications menu.
Where did that come from?


joseph_sacco [at] comcast [dot] net

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