5 days into garnome 8

Just a small mail to describe some of the things with it.

      * the new "add to panel" is very cool indeed
      * for some reason, images (jpg files and such) are not opened in
        nautilus anymore
      * I hate the new "open with an application" system. (what you get
        when you select a file, press right mouse button) the old system
        offered more choices of installed gnome programs that you could
      * what in the hell are hald and busd and why should I use them? I
        compiled hald and now cannot get it to work. (slackware 9.1
        system), it seems I only need it for "removable storage" in the
        preferences menu. 

The system is running very well and I am impressed with the level of
integration that is growing more and more into the desktop.

In remembrance -- http://www.ronsmits.org

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