4th time's the charm?

Weird error compiling dbus, that eventually resolved itself, by compiling 
dbus 3 times.

first pass, I get:

no connector.h > connector.moc
/bin/sh: line 1: no: command not found

next pass, I get 

no integrator.h > integrator.moc
/bin/sh: line 1: no: command not found

then the third pass I get 

no server.h > server.moc
/bin/sh: line 1: no: command not found

and then the compile goes through normally

It's in the qt/Makefile.am, and I seem to remember .moc files being
something that's associated with qt, so I'm not really worried too much,
but I would really like to know how this "fixed" itself.

Matt Rose 	     Senior Technical Analyst 	        mrose n-able com
He's a time-tossed misogynist shaman moving from town to town, helping
folk in trouble. She's a green-fingered impetuous college professor from
aristocratic European stock. They fight crime!

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