Re: [RFC + RFE] New GARNOME Homepage

I like it Paul, it blends well with the Gnome theme. Now, if we can get a new Garnome to install Gnome 2.8.0 we are on track.

-The Doctor

Paul Drain wrote:

Given the 2.8.0 release of the GNOME Desktop is on our doorstep, i've
taken the liberty of updating the homepage a tad to look ... well, more

I'd *like* to have something that is slightly more up-to-date than what
we currently have, but is also easy and understandable for the users of
the GARNOME build system.

I think i've got it, but i'd love to have a few hundred pairs of eyes go
over it and let me know where I might improve on things, or if i've made
a mess of something entirely.

Oh, and people who test it out -- get to find out where the 2.8.0
release of GARNOME is, before anyone else [1] :)

So, let me have it.



[1] Hell, if that's not a big enough endorsement, it gets it's own
footnote for added effect.

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