Couple of garnome questions.

1.  Why does make paranoid-install in desktop ignore environment
variables?  For example, when I go to compile epiphany, I go into
desktop/epiphany, type make install, and it fails, complaining about a
missing gtkmozembed.pc So, I say to myself.  I've already compiled this
version of mozilla, and I know exactly where it is. so I type in export
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnome26/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH If I go to
desktop/epiphany it still fails, complaining about the missing
gtkmozembed.pc file.  If I go to
desktop/epiphany/work/main.d/epiphany1.2.3/ and type in ./configure &&
make install, it happily finds the .pc file in the path I specified, and
compiles epiphany

2.  I have quickly discovered the joys of using arch to get the latest and 
greatest versions of garnome.  What happens when I do a tla-upgrade, it 
upgrades a few packages, and then I do a make paranoid-install?  Does it 
only compile the updated packages, or does it go through the whole shebang 

Matt Rose     mattrose folkwolf net    Visit my blog!
He's a leather-clad coffee-fuelled Green Beret She's a mistrustful gypsy
socialite living homeless in New York's sewers. They fight crime!

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