Re: Install Issues with 0.27.1

Jerry Talkington wrote:

On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 08:55:55PM +0000, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
So I found out which package libsmbclient was shipped with (Samba) and downloaded the Samba source to /usr/src. I built Samba, making sure that I'd included the option to build the libsmbclient shared library in the configure command, and that the library files should be going into /usr/lib while the include files should be going into /usr/include. I then checked the /usr/include and /usr/lib folders to see if anything had been installed, but there was still nothing relating to 'smbclient' or 'libsmbclient'. I have tried three different releases of Samba:
What distro are you using?  There is usually a package for it...

I made a garnome Makefile for it, which was posted to the list.  You can
get it from the archive:


I've tried using your makefile to get and build samba, but the make stops with the message below:
[===== NOW BUILDING:    samba-2.2.8a    =====]
       [fetch] complete for samba.
make: *** No rule to make target `checksum-samba-2.2.8a.tar.bz2', needed by `checksum'. Stop.

I'm assuming that the makefile is looking for a bzipped checksum file to download and verify the files integrity, but I can't work out how to stop the build process from requiring this step. I'll take a look on the samba ftp site to see if I can find anything suitable, but please let me know if you have a quick fix to hand.


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