Re: GARNOME 0.27.x -> builds GNOME 2.4.0 D&DP! Rejoice!

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 17:03, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Thanks very much to everyone on the list for testing GNOME throughout 2.3,
> and keeping me up to date with changes in software and
> breakages in builds, etc. It's been a fun ride - 2.5 is coming very soon, so
> it will be back to thrills, spills, fun and excitement! :-)

Thanks Jeff et al!

This was the smoothest (almost - rpm2cpio exec prob) error free compile
of Garnome ever :-)

I haven't had much time to play around with G2 lately but this is

Had a few little hiccups but some research is required on my part before

I must G2 is at the stage where I feel I can become evangelical and
start pushing it onto Windows users!

* Simon Wong *

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