Re: Why was Totem removed?

Ok, thanks again.

What formats does Totem play out of the box?

How can I add support in Totem for more movie formats?

I suppose I'll go reading on the Totem project page for details...

On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 09:29, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Joseph Phillips">
> > Thanks for the explanations.
> > 
> > So if Totem isn't in the Desktop release, then what app does Gnome include
> > for movie playing (if any at all)?
> None. But that doesn't stop you using Totem. The answer to the question,
> "What should I use to play movies in GNOME?" is still Totem, whether it's in
> the Desktop release or not.
> - Jeff

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