RE: Why was Totem removed?

Thanks for the explanations.

So if Totem isn't in the Desktop release, then what app does Gnome include
for movie playing (if any at all)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Waugh
To: Joseph Phillips
Cc: 'garnome-list gnome org'
Sent: 9/9/03 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Why was Totem removed?

<quote who="Joseph Phillips">

> Why was Totem remved from the Desktop release?

Because we were only going to ship it if it were stable and useful with
GStreamer backend, but it wasn't, so at the author's request (because he
doesn't want to see a bad version released when it is such a great app
otherwise) we removed it from the release. That doesn't mean it's not

> What do you mean by consistency?

Totem isn't in the Desktop release. The meta/gnome-desktop is meant to
the Desktop release. Therefore it doesn't belong.

> What's the difference between Xine and GStreamer?

GStreamer is a generic, pipeline-based multimedia framework. Xine is a
player library. Thus far, Xine works more reliably for more media types,
particularly video.

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
              "We are not complete muppets." - Murray Cumming

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