Re: Including dependencies

On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 00:55, Jerry Talkington wrote:
> Howdy!
> Are there any plans on including all of the reqired dependencies (i.e.
> becoming completely self sufficient,) or has this been decided against?

How far do you want to take it? XFree86? gcc? glibc? kernel?

There has to be a minimum required system defined unless you want to
start a new garnome distribution. I don't think there is any reason to
include more than the things that aren't available in most modern Linux
distributions (yes, I know people are using Garnome on other OS's than
Linux which is excellent. Better testing coverage).

A few examples: I think it is reasonable to include pwlib and openh323
because the required versions for gnomemeeting are very new. I don't
think it is reasonable to include XFree86 because mostly everyone has a
sufficiently new version and if they don't, it is easy to get one.

> Also, should patches be mailed to the list, or should I just file a bug
> in bugzilla?

I think you should file a bug. Easier to keep track of.


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