compiling garnome-0.26.1 on debian - missing libsmbclient.h

Since the list has this concrete and similar questions:

Debian Package <PACKAGE> usually has a friend called <PACKAGE>-dev for
"just use" vs. "program on top" purposes.

In this case:
  libmsbclient.h is provided by package libsmbclient-dev ("program on
  top") but not by package libsmbclient ("just use").

bash# aptitude install libsmbclient-dev
will do the job with debian distros for libsmbclient.h

Similar with other missing headers+libs.

Klaus Reichl			    voice: +43 (1) 27722 / 3884
Alcatel Austria AG/RTPT		    fax:   +43 (1) 27722 / 3955
Scheydgasse 41			    inet:  Klaus Reichl alcatel at
A-1210 Wien, Austria/Europe

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