Fix for compiling Galeon

Here's a patch that makes it possible to compile Galeon 1.3.7. It is
nothing but a wild guess but it makes it compilable and runnable. I've
used for some time now without problems.

--- ContentHandler.cpp.orig	2003-09-02 17:43:19.000000000 +0200
+++ ContentHandler.cpp	2003-09-02 17:48:53.000000000 +0200
@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@
 /* nsILocalFile promptForSaveToFile (in nsISupports aWindowContext, in wstring aDefaultFile, in wstring aSuggestedFileExtension); */
 NS_IMETHODIMP GContentHandler::
-		PromptForSaveToFile(nsISupports *aWindowContext,
+                PromptForSaveToFile(nsIHelperAppLauncher *bingo,
+                                    nsISupports *aWindowContext,
 				    const PRUnichar *aDefaultFile,
 				    const PRUnichar *aSuggestedFileExtension,
 				    nsILocalFile **_retval)

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