Re: Patch for displaying progress in xterm titlebar

begin  Emilio Jes?s Gallego Arias  quotation:
> > 	Cool!  I'll actually abstract out the types of messages
> > sometime over the week, so that they'll use gmake functions to
> > display.  That way I can put the xtermset logic in one place, and
> > have it use the same data as the "color echo" stuff.  That way you
> > can just do like 
> > 
> > 	$(call FINISHED,$(GARNAME),$*)
> > 
> > 	to spit out the "[stuff] finished for PACKAGE" in both color
> > display and xtermset -T stuff.  
> Very cool, also, you should check if xtermset is on the system (ie in
> Debian is a separate package) before using it, or the build system can
> fail.

	Yeah.  That's what I was thinking of doing when I wrote about
the "xtermset logic".  I definitely plan to make that bit fail

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