Re: general question about garnome

> 1. What does garnome-0.200 do?

It's a build harness for GNOME testers - it builds the official GNOME
releasesand a bunch of other stuff so testers can have a fairly complete desktop to
work with.

> What are the versions of the packages
> which are  loaded?

See the makefile in each garball.

> Does garnome-0.20 for instance always load
> gtk-2.2.0? Or gtk-3.0  after this will be released? What i mean is
> there any (and when where)  connection between the version of garnome
> and the versions of the packages  which are downloadet? Is this handelt
> by the variable GRABVERSION in the  Makefiles=

"GARVERSION". Yes, as GARNOME is designed to be more like a 'distribution'
thana random updater, it builds very specific versions in each GARNOME release.
This is a very important point for testers.

> 2. Is there a list of the included programms?

The structure of GARNOME itself is a list of the included software - each
directory is a 'garball' that builds either software, or simply depends on
other garballs.

> 3. I build gnome with starting 'make install' in
> garnome-0.20.0/meta/gnome-desktop. What are the other directories good
> for?  Like:
> gnome-desktop    gnome-hacker-tools  gnome-power-tools  Makefile
> gnome-fifth-toe  gnome-office        kde

The gnome-desktop meta garball builds the official packages in the GNOME
Desktoprelease. The other garballs in the meta directory simply depend on other
stuffsuch as fifth-toe packages, etc.

> I assume there are used for the programs which have the same name. But
> whats  about the directory under:
> /home/test/garnome-0.20.0/misc

A bunch of other garballs. Again, every directory is a garball. The misc
category contains garballs that don't fit in elsewhere.

> I saw that there were some directory which holds downloaded files,
> other  consists only of a Makefile. If i want to build a mozilla 1.3
> then i can  change into the misc/mozilla directory and start a 'make
> install'. Is that  correct?

Yes. and it will build the required dependencies.

> I want to write a small article for a german computer magazine about
> garnome.  Thats why i need this information.

Please make it absolutely clear in your article that GARNOME is for serious
testers of GNOME, not for normal users. I feel somewhat uncomfortable about
seeing GARNOME in the press, but if it's described accurately, I guess it's

If you're able to send me an English translation beforehand, I'd be happy to
check it over for bugs and whatnot.


- Jeff

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