Re: Making garchive with only the already-downloaded packages

On Wed February 26 2003 17:42, Daniel Serodio wrote:
>After building and installing garnome in my work computer, I
> wanted to bring home the already downloaded garballs, and tried
> the same steps as you. If you can solve this problem, please post
> on the list.
>On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 19:18, Åsmund Skjæveland wrote:
>> Is it possible to 'make  garchive' and only put the
>> already-downloaded garballs in the  garchive? After I build the 
>> gnome-desktop, I want to unclutter  my disk  (I  have three 
>> partial  garchives from  different versions,  and I  don't  know
>> how  much  overlap there  is), and  make garchive  makes   this 
>> easy.   But  simply   'cd  garnome-0.21.2;  cd
>> meta/gnome-desktop; make garchive;' does  nothing, that is, the
>> script installs all the  packages in that directory, which is 
>> none. If I try 'make  garchive'  in gnome/,  it  will put  all 
>> the  packages in  the garchive, and download those that are not
>> already downloaded.
>> Is there a  simple way to put all and only  the downloaded
>> packages in the garchive?  Also, this  would make it  easier to
>> export  garnome to off-line computers.
One must edit the top level I think it is, to point 
GARCHIVE_DIR (IIRC thats the correct name, its in the file but 
commented out by default, and the howto does discuss its use) to 
whereever you have the already downlaoded stuff.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III 500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP 1400mhz  512M
99.23% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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