Re: GAR makefile conditionals?

[discussion moved back to garnome-list, as I believe that was Ben's
intention since he didn't mark the message as off-list]

begin  Ben Taylor  quotation:
> >CONFIGURE_ARGS += $($(shell uname -s)_CONFIGURE_ARGS)
> >
> >Or whatever.  The whole point of that page is to demonstrate that you
> >don't need any help from GAR to do this sort of thing -- it's all
> >facilities present in GNU make.
> Can you suggest a way to do conditional patches or conditional
> post-installs based on a particular OS. I can see that I could do it
> with an if construct, but you said you don't like that.

It's the exact same thing!!

Linux_PATCHFILES = linux-stuff.diff
PATCHFILES += $($(shell uname -s)_PATCHFILES

post-install: post-install-$(shell uname -s)

	# do linux stuff

This should be evident from the examples given above.

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