Re: Gnome 2.2 with normal user - More info

Core wrote:
Maybe a note about umask should be in the FAQ. Just enough for newbies.

I don't think so. If one decides to build as root, (s)he is supposed to 
be a "system administrator", and of course, quite familiar with the 
umask and everything else.
If the same one (who insists on installing GARNOME as root) wants to 
avoid editting a for every release of GARNOME, I'd rather 
suggest to create a new user for "GNOME Administration", let's call it 
"gnome". Then, "gnome" home directory (which might be eg. /gnome, 
instead of the common /home/gnome or whatever) will need to set the 
appropriate permissions (so everyone can read and execute needed files).
This way, you keep the traditional level of security ("traditional" in a 
 sense that noone is allowed to write, read or even cd to a root home 
dir, a protection you advised earlier to be shut off!), and get all the 
benefits of multi-user install.
And last, I believe FAQ says that you should *NOT* install the GARNOME 
as root: if it's not there, then it should be updated.

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