Re: Error installing mozilla

>>>>> "EJ" == Ernesto Jardim <ernesto ipimar pt> writes:

    EJ> Hi I'm  using garnome-0.21.2  in a SuSE  8.1 system. I  get an
    EJ> error when installing mozilla. 

I had this error as well.  For some reason, Mozilla unpacks to:


rather than


So, there's no work/mozilla/configure script. 

I kludged around it by doing:

> rm work/mozilla
> ln -s work/main.d/mozilla work/mozilla
> make install

Which worked.   Incidentally, I bumped  the version of Mozilla  in the
makefile to 1.3b, which build without issue. 

Hope this helps. 

Eric Moncrieff                                    eric mantis styx org

"Yes, it is easy not to believe in monsters, considerably more 
difficult to escape their dread and loathsome clutches."
                              --Stanislaw Lem, _The Cyberiad_
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