Re: starting with garnome and GNOME 2

On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 22:25, Jens Askengren wrote:
> mån 2003-02-10 klockan 21.24 skrev Matteo D'Alfonso:
> > > google for squid.
> > > 
> > > -Peter
> > > 
> > So is not possible to use GARCHIVEDIR, or similar variables, to point to
> > a local mirror? I have to use a proxy cache server or NFS? :(
> Why not buid GARNOME on one single machine and distribute the binaries
> to the rest? Should work, unless you want processor specific
> optimization...

And what about all the "3rd party" library dependencies?
I think to get a real good binary distri which really works for
everybody you also will have to package a lot of stuff from "outside"
the garnome balls with the binary packages.

I think garnome's purpose is not to be such an "end user full blown"
gnome2 distri.
But there are some projects like Ximian-Desktop or Dropline-Gnome which
focus on to produce an "end user" gnome2 desktop.

"GARNOME - the bad-ass, bleeding edge GNOME distribution for testers and
tweakers everywhere" -- GARNOME Homepage

But hey, who knows.

> 	- Jens

Rolf Kulemann

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