Could start garnome only with the root, not with any user account

I successfully build garnome and could start it successfully as user root.

But I know: You should not run X with the root account.

So I tried it with a user account:
I added /opt/gnome2/bin to my $PATH. and in .xinitrc
I added /opt/gnome2/bin/gnome-session

But when I try to start with "startx", it stops with the following error:
Could not resolve the address "xml:readonly:/gconf.xml.mandatory" in the
configuration file "/opt/gnome2/etc/gconf/2/path".
Couldn't read from or write to the XML root directory in the address
Then you can only click on "OK" and the X-Server shuts down again.

Just for testing I did:
chown -R myuseraccount /opt/gnome2/etc/gconf/
to solve the problem that garnome is not able to write to this directory.
But this doesn't help.
Any suggestions? Searching with google did not help me at all.

Thank you for tips, Bernd

Bernd Münt                         Durchwahl: 030/69032-509
euroscript Language Services GmbH  Zentrale:  030/69032-300
Abteilung IT-Management            Fax:       030/69032-333
Grimmstr. 23                       Mail: muent euroscript-ls de
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