Re: compiling galeon 1.3.3

<quote who="Jason Trickett">

> I'm compiling galeon 1.3.3 (from garnome 0.23.1) and it wants to download
> the mozilla 1.3 source code (30 Mb!). I already have Mozilla 1.3 installed
> system-wide with rpm's. Is there any way to make galeon compile using what
> I already have? I'm on dial-up and have a slow processor! Thanks.

Remove the mozilla dependency from the galeon Makefile. However, if it's not
build with GTK+ 2.x (which, if you're on Red Hat, it won't be), you won't be
able to build Galeon or Epiphany. You will also have to make sure you're
using the same C++ compiler.

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
   "PHP, when it first came out, didn't really have any merits, and many
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