CRITICAL bug in garnome! (I think)

Last night I was trying to compile garnome for Redhat null and my first attempt failed. I thought that this was because of the gcc 3.2 that null comes with so I downloaded/compiled/installed gcc 2.95.3.

Then before starting over I thought I should do a "make clean". So I did and I got several warnings about not being unable to delete devices in my /dev/ directory because they were in use. Very shortly after this my box went down hard and would not reboot. I think something like a rm -rf /dev/* happened during the "make clean". Fortunately since this null box was just to play around with anyway, nothing important was lost.

Now, I know there is nowhere in the garnome documentation that says I should ever do a "make clean". However, it doesn't seem like a totally unreasonable thing to try if you want to start over from a failed build with a new compiler. In any case, it doesn't seem like garnome should hose the entire system if someone makes this mistake.

In retrospect I think I maybe shouldn't have been doing this stuff as root but I think I actually need to be root to install garnome (at least I've had no luck otherwise in the past).

Anyway, no real damage done here but just a heads up on a problem developers may want to look at. If I am totally wrong here let me know but the events I described above are exactly as they happened.

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