Re: sound config

> <quote who="Mark Price">
> > would someone be glad to send me some pointers or pointers
> > to pointers on setup?
> You haven't provided any information as to what's going wrong, so I can't
> really help much.
A preliminary:
   I am now using garnome-9.7.  I like the touch of including some of the
   regular gnome menu items in the default menus now.
   There is a bug, though, in the gnome-terminal which wasnt there before.
   There are horizontal, small white lines and or dots sprinkled around
   terminal.  I haven't filed a bug report yet, and am not aware if this
   is a gnome problem or a garnome problem.  Hopefully it was fixed in the
   5/9/02 gnome beta?
Well, first of all, the sound programs just don't work.
In order to get onto the desktop without any error messages,
I must chmod 777 /dev/sound/mixer and chmod 777 /dev/dsp, or
something similar, as the popups claim to be unable to open them.
Then, I start up $GARNOME/bin/esd, and get the startup sound.  So
everything looks good.
But none of the sound programs will play music.
gnome-cd pretends to play, but no sound.  It even gets the cddb listing
and the eject button works.
rhythmbox gets the list of mp3s, but for instance, when one
tries to start up a song, it will say something like:
Elapsed Time: -35791394:-08, clearly impossible (not accounting
for quantum time travel).  Then the progress meter or numbers don't
move, but the pause button is up instead of the play, thus
claiming to play the song.
The media player does exactly nothing, whether one changes the defaults
to show stuff or not, or load a file or not.  And one is unable to adjust
the sound level or anything.  The only things are that it pretends to let
you use the menus, and expand/contract with the nifty button.
When I use the formula in the gst-launch manpage to set up a pipe, it
says something along the lines of "there is no mad component" or "there is
no mpg123 component", depending on which line I pick.  There is,
interestingly, mpg123 on my machine, but that doesn't seem to matter.
Also, interestingly, if I use $GARNOME/bin/esd, xmms wont work no matter
which drivers I use, claiming the usual "do you have the right drivers
configured, etc." errors, and if I use /usr/bin/esd, xmms works, but the
other programs described above work as described above.

Mark Price

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