Re: glib compilation

On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 21:42, Sean Proctor wrote:
> I had the same problem too.  people earlier on this list said it was a
> problem with gcc 2.x and using 3.x worked fine (or at least with 2.95.3
> and 2.95.4).  I have 2.95.3 and I can compile everything perfectly by
> removing the --enable-debug=no flag from configure... which seems to be
> different from what you said.  unless --enable-debug=no means that
> debugging is enabled.
> Sean

Thanks!  After looking at the config.log of every package that couldn't
compile, copying the config command and pasting, then deleting
'--enable-debug=no', and then running it, I was able to compile.  Of
course, then I found $GAR/gnome/, which added
'--enable-debug=no' to CONFIGURE_ARGS...and I felt very dumb.  Anyway,
at least it's compiling.  Thanks again.


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