Re: Garnome -0.19.5 error on RedHat 8?

On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 15:02, Mike Strock wrote:
> Thanks for the information on using Garnome with a web proxy.  I've got that part working.  Now, I'm getting an error when building.  I extracted garnome into it's directories, modified the as directed.  I changed to the gnome/gnome-desktop directory and typed make.
> It trundled along for a while, but I got an error which says 
> "gnome-vfs requires libbz2 to compile" in the gnome-vfs-2.1.5 directory.
> How do I go about correcting this to continue?


You will need to install the following rpm :

If you need any help with this, please let me know.

Steven Knight					#include <standard_disclaimer.h>        
steven knight unh edu			IM : skkataim

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