Re: Is there a list of mirrors for GARNOME?

<quote who="Ben Cranks">

> I'm trying to install 0.19.3 at the moment and it's getting stuck asking 
> for libmrproject-0.7.tar.gz is there a list of other 
> sites I can use? And where in should I put the MASTER_SITES 
> line?

Swap the link in the garball Makefile to:

It's just the http server that is b0rky.

> Thanks for helping, I'm very unfamiliar with how things are done in a 
> Linux enviroment so all help is very much appreciated.

Which begs the question... Why are you using GARNOME instead of installing
binary packages for your distribution? We're currently tracking the GNOME
2.1.x unstable development releases too, which will not be very stable, but
available for testers and hackers.

- Jeff

     "Just because I sit in front of a terminal all day doesn't mean I      
      couldn't hunt you down and righteously kick your ass to feed my       
          newfound cannabalism." - Darwinian System Administration          

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