Re: garnome for modem users

Thanks a million nick,

I'll use the link and hope that Jeff updates garnome soon ;)

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 21:23, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> begin  MArk Finlay  quotation:
> > you sure that you havent made a typo with `deep-checksum'
> 	Or if you don't like reading unified diffs:
> 	It looks like the latest garnomes do not have this rule.  It's
> a pity, as I added it mostly because of GARNOME.
> 	So, instead of running "make deep-checksum" in meta/whatever,
> you must run "make checksum" from the top-level dir.
> 	Or you can just add the deep-% rule from the above URLs and
> use deep-checksum and deep-garchive to your heart's content.
> -- 
> A: No.
> Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?
		 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.

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