[gamin] "end from FAM server connection" when copying large file


I am running Gamin 0.1.9 on Linux kernel 2.6.5, so it is using denotify by 
default. My intent is to get informed once a file has been written 
completely into a directory; so what I actually need is a "close-write" 
event which is not available from dnotify. I therefore use "change" events 
and then check whether the file has alredy been closed. (I know that 
inotify is much better here but unfortunately I am forced to use that 
older kernel for the time being.)

During robustness testing I copied a 2 MB file into the directory 
monitored by Gamin. This triggers a flood of "change" events and in about 
25% of cases ends in an "end from FAM server connection" message and my 
client gives up. 

The number of events I receive varies; I have not checked yet whether that 
is because the gamin server sends a different number or whether they get 
lost when transmitted to the client (which should not be the case of 

For the moment I (reluctantly) revert back to polling; that works, 
presumably because the number and frequency of events if much lower.

Anyone an idea on that? Perhaps I have made a mistake in my test setup... 

Regards ... Christian

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