Re: [gamin] python binding question

On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 11:18:46PM -0600, Narayan Desai wrote:
> I have an app that uses python-fam (an abandoned set of python
> bindings to the sgi fam library) to coherently cache files. I have
> started looking at moving to gamin, and have run into a problem. In
> the python-fam package, FamEvents have three useful parts: filename
> (similar to the callback path), code2str (which converts the action to
> a string), and a handle ID (which describes the context of the
> event). I find myself frequently monitoring directory hierarchies,
> which requires the use of the handle ID to properly route the
> event.

  We are doing that too, but store the id in the object receiving the
callback. Note that when you register a file or directory monitor
you pass a callback and an optional argument. That optional argument
is provided in the callback if non None.

> Is there an undocumented analogue to the handle ID in gamin's
> native bindings? Am I approaching this from the wrong angle? While I

  Undocumented would require an existing documentation.
But reading the 200 lines of should allow to quickly realize 
the full capacity of the wrapper.

> support I could define a different callback function to call from each
> directory (thus removing the need for a handle ID), this approach
> strikes me as being a fairly terrible hack...

  Keep the same callback, but pass a different data:
    def watch_directory(self, directory, callback, data = None):
    def watch_file(self, file, callback, data = None):
and make sure to define an optional arg to your callback, that arg
is an even simpler version of your ID.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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