Re: [gamin] Install of gamin-0.1.2-1.FC3.i386.rpm

On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 03:53:45PM -0500, Mason, Mark L. wrote:
> Firstly, I have the following packages installed on my Fedora Core 3
> box:
> *                                                     gamin-0.0.15-1
> gamin-devel-0.0.15-1
> Tried to execute:
> # rpm -ivh gamin-0.1.2-1.FC3.i386.rpm 

  1/ could you try to use a mail agent not adding breaking rendering completely
     on text based mail user agents ? Your mails are a bit difficult to read as 
     a result, avoid posting twice the same problem too please :-)
  2/ you need to make an upgrade, and you need to upgrade both the gamin
     and the gamin-devel package together as there is integrity constraints
     between the level of both packages enforced by the rpm database.

  rpm -U gamin-devel-0.1.2-1.FC3.i386.rpm gamin-0.1.2-1.FC3.i386.rpm

  all this is not very gamin specific


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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