Re: [gamin] some questions

On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 05:33:51PM -0400, John McCutchan wrote:
> I was wondering if we could up the automake version 
> that is used for gamin? Newer automake versions allow you to 
> conditionally build sources in the, I could
> get rid of the #ifdef of inotify.c this way.

  I would like to be sure to still be able to test on RHEL3 (1.6.3)
but I think conditional sections in has been here nearly
forever, I use them in libxml2 for ages.

> Can I clean out all the #ifdef WITH_TREADING code? This would
> simplify the source now that threading won't be used.

  yes make sense at this point, and we still have CVs to roll back if

> Could you elaborate on the following:
>  - remove threading, gam_poll_init_full(), use timers instead
>    of running a loop with usleep in a thread.

  dnotify cannot look at an non-existent resource (you need to open()
it) but FAM allows it. Currently this is missing in gamin's FAM support
and the only way is to run the polling code in parallel with d/inotify.
This mean registering a timer at the glib loop level and pluging the
polling code for resources flagged as looked at but not (yet) available.

>  - code 'cb' processing cleanup

  cb is/was "c beautifuler" in System V, I use the following replacement.
I think I processed most source code though it, so this should be done.

paphio:~ -> cat bin/cb
indent -bad -bap -bbb -bli4 -br -ce -brs -cs -i4 -l75 -lc75 -nut -sbi4 -psl -saf -sai -saw -sbi4 -ss -sc -cdw -cli4 -npcs -nbc
paphio:~ ->


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
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