Re: Aisleriot: reduced card decks support

I would be happy with support for any deck. Does anyone know where I might find AisleRiot for CentOS 8?

   ^ ^
 Mark LaPierre

On 3/1/20 9:11 PM, Bob Bib via games-list wrote:
On 2020-02-27 Vincent Povirk (they/them) wrote:
 > It's possible, but I can't think of any games
 > in aisleriot currently that do it.

Just for the future, would it be OK for me (or other volunteers)
to convert the games list in the Aisleriot wiki [1] into a table,
indicating types of decks (numbers of cards)
and showing screenshots of the initial game layouts?

On 2020-02-27 Rick Galbraith wrote:
 > Montana deals the whole deck but removes aces right away.

BTW, unfortunately, I haven't found such game title in the manual [2];
fortunately, I've found some book [4],
and it says that Montana solitaire is also known as Gaps or Blue Moon;
and finally, apparently, it's known as Gaps in Aisleriot [3] :-)


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