[Fwd: AppData additions required for the software center]

Hi games maintainers,

Please take care of the games you release. Many hands make light work.
Consider changing the updatecontact in the appdata file to point to you
while you're at it.


--- Begin Message ---
Hi again!

First, apologies again for the direct email. I'm emailing you directly as you've been listed as the update 
contact in one or more AppData files.

We've been busy building an awesome software center, and we've been adding more and more metadata fields that 
upstream authors can set. The software center is now being used in Fedora, Opensuse, Ubuntu, Debian and Arch, 
with many millions of happy users.

The latest feature we want to support is age classifications for games. As your application is listed in the 
games category we wanted to ask if you could generate some OARS metadata and add it to the 
quadrapassel.appdata.xml gnome-klotski.appdata.xml five-or-more.appdata.xml gnome-tetravex.appdata.xml 
four-in-a-row.appdata.xml lightsoff.appdata.xml gnome-sudoku.appdata.xml gnome-mahjongg.appdata.xml 
org.gnome.Nibbles.appdata.xml gnome-chess.appdata.xml iagno.appdata.xml swell-foop.appdata.xml 
org.gnome.taquin.appdata.xml gnome-robots.appdata.xml file. It's really as simple as visiting 
http://apps-xdgapp.rhcloud.com/oars then answering about 20 questions with multiple choice answers, then 
pasting the output inside the <component> tag.

Using the <content_rating> tag means we can show your game with an appropriate age rating depending on the 
country of the end user. If you have any comments about the questions on the OARS page please do let me know.

Of course, you don't have to do a release with these enhancements straight away, and if you have a stable 
branch it would be a good thing to backport this as well as it does not add translated strings.

When you've changed the file(s) and committed, please email me back and I'll mark your application as 
completed. If you don't want to hear from me ever again just edit the <update_contact> in the AppData file 
and change it to somebody else. I'm not planning on emailing more than once every 6 months, so don't worry 
about me spamming you with even more work to do.



--- End Message ---

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