Re: JHBuilding GNOME Games

Hi Megh,

As Bastien told you, all you need is to add in the moduleset list of you jhbuildrc.

The feature request you started working on seems to be a good start:

Here are some other simple bugs to solve:

This one may be a bit more complex:

You could start looking at how to use Grilo as you will probably need it for the project.

Adrien Plazas

Le sam. 27 févr. 2016 à 15:55, Megh Parikh <meghprkh gmail com> a écrit :
Hello, I am interested in GNOME games development, but I dnot know how to JHBuild GNOME games. The gnome-games module does not exist in jhbuild. Can you guide me how to jhbuild it? I am interested in doing it as my GSoC project. I have decent C/C++ experience and good Python/Vala experience. Where should I start? Regards, Megh Parikh

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