Re: Interested in contributing towards 'Sudoku Re-write and Modernization' project idea

Hey Parin,

Looking forward to (hopefully) working with you!

On Sat, 2014-02-15 at 23:46 +0530, Parin Porecha wrote:
I would like to discuss the scope of the project, and some questions.
I could not find a sudoku/gnome-games related channel on IRC, so will
it be better to discuss this in #gnome-design or is the mailing list
okay ?

We actually do have a #gnome-games channel on GimpNet, the same place as
#gnome-design. It's pretty quiet usually, and I'm guilty of never using
it until yesterday. I'm signed in there now and I'll try to do so more

You've already got me added on Google Talk; that's fine, too. 
As is email, though we probably don't need to keep the whole list CCed.

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