Re: Quadrapassel: wrong distribution?

Strange enough, this issue was reported yesterday.

It would be great if you could put your screenshots and maybe some information about your settings and how you encountered the issue there so that we all have it in one place, that would be great.

I'll be following up on that bug as soon as possible.

Thank you

Am 13.09.2013 15:35, schrieb Blue Glacier:
That's it.

There is another issue. Look at the Screenshot. After a few row completements, blocks are not placed rightly any more. Is this a bug?

Blue Glacier

Am 13.09.2013 11:38, schrieb Mario Wenzel:
In Quadrapassel 3.8 the "difficult block mode" is default "on". Please check you settings if this is true for you.

The "difficult block mode" makes the game choose the block that is hardest for you to place, instead of picking a random one.

If "difficult block mode" is disabled and you still feel that this is an issue, I will look into it.


Am 13.09.2013 11:34, schrieb Blue Glacier:

I have a feeling that there must be something wrong with the distribution of the pieces in Quadrapassel. Almost every game starts with a dozen of "S"-pieces, but "I" and "J" appear very rarely in the entire game. This is strange.

Is this unequal distribution deliberate or shoult it be rectangular?

Quadrapassel version 3.8.2
on Debian GNU/Linux


Blue Glacier

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