Re: Non-Anglo-French decks (Re: rentoy game for aisleriot (was: Re: Aisleriot ideas))


Am Thu, 28 Feb 2013 14:08:54 +0100
schrieb Mario Frasca <mariotomo gmail com>:
I'm working at creating a Neapolitan traditional card deck for gnome
games, I've used elements from the wikimedia commons, plus digitized
some cards. since the design is traditional I assume there is no legal
issue in using models as a help, be it Modiano, Dal Negro or from any
other publisher. the actual publisher is hardly ever recognizable.

Well, not sure how copyright works for card designs... IANAL, but it
would IMHO be best if the design was based on / at least recognisably
inspire by a clearly out-of-copyright source; I think everything
pre-20th century should be ok. 
for the cards 8 to 10 (Italians associate 8 with "fante/peasant", 9
with "cavallo/horse", 10 with "re/king"), I've sort of interpreted
tradition, and I've extended our 1-7 design. I'm quite proud of the
result I must say! :) [1]

Yes, it does look very nice :-)

anyway, how do I get this into the project? 

The legal questions are the only impediment to adding this (once it's

and who is helping me with
drawing the other J-Q-K? I'm not particularly good with faces!

Not sure that GNOME has anyone working on non-icon artworks; maybe ask
the mailing list (see ) ?

currently J-Q-K (excepted jack_club) are from the guyenne deck, which
I also would like to share with the rest of the world... [2]

I've commented on ;
it does look very nice! :-)
for Swiss cards, I can produce provide a b/w vectorial form of the
unter/ober/könig x 4, definitely copyright free, since I would be
using an uncoloured print of the wood matrix for a deck from the 17th
century. it looks a bit simple and old-fashioned and we still
would need do the rest of the work decorating the A-10.

More sets are always welcome :-) It's not a problem if it's a 'bit
simple'; IMHO it's nice to have a set that looks nothing like the
others :-)

I do not have access to copyright-free German cards: the ones printed
by ASS are __very__ recognizable as coming from that company.

Yes, best to avoid basing on in-copyright designs.

BTW, aisleriot git []
has some templates to base new sets on so you don't have to copy a full
set and delete stuff from it :-)


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