Iagno TODO. Ideal Solution?


I am a long time othello fan and I use Iagno quiet often. When I am
playing against the computer with a higher difficulty level, the
system just pauses without any sort of indication. Initially I assumed
that some bug causes the system to freeze but I noticed that the game
was actually calculating its next move. I did notice that a bug
report[1] has already been filed filed for this issue.

I cloned the git repo and found this feature request in the TODO[2]
list. As a quick hack, I added a show_message() call just before the
computer_move_cb() was called and did a infobar.hide() after the move
function was called. This does work but is not a very good solution.
What would be a ideal solution for this issue?

Also, when the next move is being calculated, the UI freezes. An ideal
way to solve this would be to move all non UI work like move
computation to a separate thread. I am new to Vala but I can devote
some time and would like to do this.

[1] : https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674978
[2] : http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-games/tree/TODO

Vipin Nair
National Institute of Technology, Calicut

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