Re: PySol...

On Wed, 23 Feb 2011, Shlomi Fish wrote:

Now, I've been using PySol for many years, being a long time enthusiast of
Freecell back from when it was the demo Win32 program for Win32s on Windows
3.11 (don't know if anyone still remembers it) and also eventually having
	I remember that, I think.

that caused a flurry of online forks, including UltraSol which ended up
culminating with PySolFC:
	...which is what I'm using.

talked with prefer KDE's KPatience for various reasons (like better graphics
and animations due to the SVG cards), but I still prefer PySolFC.
	I actually use both, depending on what I want.  For example, some 
games I like slightly modified versions of, so I use Aisleriot for those, 
because I prefer Scheme over Python, for the most part.  So if I feel like 
beautiful cards, or a new game, then I use PySolFC with the Joan d'Arc cards. 
But if I prefer fast play or one of my modified games (this is usually the 
case), then I use Aisleriot.
So you could take a look there to incorporate some code into AisleRiot.
	What I'd suggest is:

-	Could we merge the game documentation for Aisleriot/KPatience/PySolFC ?
	(I'm referring here to the documentation for individual games, such as
	Klondike, rather than the overall program documentation)
-	Talk to them, and work out an API that everyone could live with, and
	then converge towards that (this could include Mahjong Solitaire as
	well as Aisleriot).  Then their Python code and our Scheme code could
	make the same calls.

Unfortunately, I've just started studies again, so it might have to wait for some holidays for me.
Larry Wall gets the colon.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayland wayland id au    | I am                           |

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