Re: Aisleriot ideas

Ok, so it seems we need a data file associated with each game. I personally would like to see it available in a way that would allow the data to be used by both in the code and the helpfile. But what I'd like to do now is discuss a possible data format; otherwise we'll just talk about it instead of doing it.

	The data we need seems to be:

-	Name - Text: The name of the game (allows punctuation, etc)
-	Categories - Text Array: The Category/Subcategory of the game (is it
	like Klondike? FreeCell? Spider?)
-	The number of decks (single/double deck)
-	The type of deck (ie. have some cards been removed?
-	The estimated difficulty
-	The number of redeals
-	The preferred Suit set (this will be important if we start having the
	option of Latin decks with the suits of Swords, Cups, Coins, and
	Staves, or if we start including Playing-Tarot decks, which have 5

name). I don't know if you're a coder or not? But even if you're not a
coder, this could be an area to contribute to, by a) providing the data,
and/or b) providing the UI design of the new game chooser.
(In addition to that static game data, the game chooser could also have
access to the user's statistics for each game.)

How do I do that? I have the source checked out from git, and, while I don't like git much, I might be able to coax it to do something relevant.

I'm not sure I'd choose xml for that description; a simple .ini style
keyfile format would probably be enough.

	Can Scheme read that?  And the software that generates the help files?


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayland wayland id au    | I am                           |

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