gnome-games showstopper review

Since the gnome-bugsquad are running gnome-wide showstopper reviews,
I thought that I should do a showstopper review for gnome-games.
It might be a good idea to regularly fix the most reported bugs.

Here is a list of the most frequently reported open bugs in gnome-games:

1. "Invalid value building mipmaps with GLU"
This glChess bug has 65 duplicates, and should really be fixed.
It might be a problem with dev-python/pyopengl in Python 2.5,
see comment #65.

2. "AttributeError: SudokuPrinter instance has no attribute 'drawn'"
This Sudoku bug has 31 duplicated, and based on the stacktrace
it seems like the SudokuPrinter has no drawn attribute,
ie. the if statement is wrong.

3. "crash in Sudoku: TypeError: an integer is required"
15 duplicated from the same person.

4. "AssertionError: pygtk.require() must be called before importing gtk"

 - Andreas

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