Re: Hi guys, Some notes about: glChess also depends on the Python imaging library for texture support so has the same issue as Gnome Sudoku. The displayed screenshot is from the old 0.8 series (C version)

*Sigh* you lot like to make life difficult for me ; )

How much work would it be to remove the dependency upon PIL, and is it
something you would consider?

Hmm... I think I'll grab and merge
that in. glChess will still try and use PIL when possible but if it is
not installed then it will only support PNG textures. Anyone know of a
pure-python jpg loader?

> Hopefully 0.9.9 will be released in two weeks - this will have the 2D
> rendering mode making python-opengl and python-gtkglext optional.

Looking forward to it. I read somewhere that there was talks about a
glchess+pychess merge, which I think is a very good idea, if you can make
it work.

Thomas and I have discussed merging and are in the process of working
out the details. (Correct me if I'm wrong here Thomas!) And if the
merge doesn't work out I will be looting the pychess codebase anyway
:) Go GPL!

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