gnome-games 2.17.4

This development release of gnome-games contains several new features
and bug-fixes, before the string and UI announcement period begins.

Download gnome-games 2.17.4 at:


 - Improvements to the configure setup (#384419, #381715, #380249).
- Fix of several bugs in network code (#380250, #381715, #381808, #381812).

 - Add a new variant of GTali called "Colors", based on the Kismet dice
game. This is accessible either via a preference or a command line option.
   Developed by Geoffrey Buchan (#379224).
 - Two user interface improvements, by Thomas Andersen (#137104, #382332).

 - Refactored code to make it easier to understand, and add missing
   schema entries.

 - Remove assumed paths in python files (#382057).
 - Enable accidentally disabled GConf support.
 - Save window size to configuration.
 - Fix incorrect UCI 'position' command.
 - Add some initial documentation.
 - Rename gnuchess to gnome-gnuchess (#386755).
 - Added Fruit and Amundsen engines to autodetect list.
 - Tell UCI engines they have 5 mins to play to cause them to take time
   choosing moves.
 - Dynamically generate about dialog.
 - Fix bug loading UCI games.
 - Catch exceptions when reading from chess engines.
 - Ignore escaped PGN data - this allows the loading of games from the
   Knights chess interface.
 - HIG fixes (#381580).

Gnome Sudoku:
 - Add license to about dialog.
 - Remove assumed paths in python files (#382057).

 - Andreas

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