On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Richard Hoelscher wrote: > Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 00:45:36 -0500 (CDT) > From: Richard Hoelscher <rah rahga com> > To: games-list gnome org > Subject: Re: Aisleriot, Klondike menu and other ideas > > Callum McKenzie said: > > On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 18:25 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote: > >> The game selection has a whole seperate window all to itself and it > >> might make you rethink the fairly minimal game selection menu in > >> Aisleriot. > > Do you have a screenshot? I don't have easy access to a windows machine > > and I am interested in making the selection dialog richer. > > http://rahga.com/gnome-games/goodsol-menu.png belatedly here is another screenshot of an older version of goodsol http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~horkana/goodsol.png It also included a system for creating new categories and addding games to these categories but it was horribly cumbersome something I expect the newer version did a better job of. I hope these examples serve as helpful inspiration if you decide to change things. Sincerely Alan Horkan Inkscape http://inkscape.org Abiword http://www.abisource.com Dia http://gnome.org/projects/dia/ Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org Alan's Diary http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
Description: Pretty Good Solitaire - game selection