Hello people!I'm the main developer of "GNOME War Pad" (GWP), a "VGA Planets" client for GNOME. VGA Planets is a play-by-email space conquest strategy game, that can be played up to 11 players on the same game. This game is being played since the early 1990s and there is a large community of fans today hosting games, and playing them all over the world.
VGA Planets was written by Tim Wisseman, and anyone can play it using one of two modes: shareware and registered. In shareware mode, there are some limits but anyone can play it, in registered mode you can play the full version any number of times.
Over the years people have developed alternative clients, many of them open source/free software, mainly for DOS or Java, you can take a peek here:
* http://vpa.sourceforge.net/ * http://www.jvc-client.com/ * http://phost.de/~stefan/pcc.html * http://jvpc.sourceforge.net/...but noone has developed a GNU/Linux client, since 2002 I'm programming GWP and it's getting an usable level as a viewer right now.
I was hoping that GWP eventually be accepted as part of my favourite desktop environment, GNOME...so I proposed it for the next version, but I don't know if it's ready yet, you will have to tell me that :-) I've subscribed to gnome-desktop-devel list and there they told me that I have to talk with the gnome-games maintainer, so here I am!
GWP is already i18n ready, it's been translated to Spanish, French, Portuguese and German, it has the help system ready to be filled with documentation (I have already written some basic user manual), and I'm using autoconf & automake for the building system.
I've read on gnome-games homepage that you're not accepting new games because of the lack of time, I wish you accept this one, my intention is to take care of its maintenance.
If you want to know more about my project, you should connect to http://gwp.lunix.com.ar, I'll be expecting any feedback from you.
Best regards, -- Lucas Di Pentima - Santa Fe, Argentina - Jabber ID: lucas lunix com ar LUNIX: Soluciones en GNU/Linux - http://www.lunix.com.ar GnuPG Public Key: http://random.sks.keyserver.penguin.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6AA54FC9 Key fingerprint = BD3B 08C4 661A 8C3B 1855 740C 8F98 3FCF 6AA5 4FC9
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