Re: Some Refactoring Notes

On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 02:21:37AM +1030, MattyT wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 02:05, Timothy Musson wrote:
> > Gnect's AI is the "Velena Engine", written by Giuliano Bertoletti. The
> > original code, and some notes, can be found here:
> That kind of implies there is special case handling rather than straight
> minimax, since it discusses an opening book. 
Yes. Connect 4 doesn't fit the minimax paradigm; its a "knowledge based"
rather than a purely "search based" game (same as Go.)
> Chess is probably another
> circumstance where you want to either use an external engine, or
> alternatively provide an opening book and ad hoc endgame play.
Its all GNU to me

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